Bob Lonsberry

Bob Lonsberry

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Marxist revolutions don’t want change, they want chaos.

It’s not about policy, it’s about pandemonium.

               The cause of the day is just a means to an end, a source of energy and diversion, a tool for manipulation and exploitation. Something to enrage the proletariat.

               The goal of Marxist revolutions is always to burn down the house. The key to resisting them is to remember that, and to not be drawn into the ambushes of distraction. Actual issues in Marxist revolutions are rat holes down which societies are drawn as the larger work of burning down the house goes forward.

               Rochester’s leaders, whoever they are, should remember that.

               They are not facing an organic uprising, they are facing a Marxist revolution. And though the revolutionaries know that, at a certain level of their organization, it is not likely that Rochester’s leaders do. And the best way to lose a war is to not know that you are in one.

               Upset at the homicide of Daniel Prude at the hands of Rochester police is legitimate and real, and rightfully must be addressed. But it must not be confused with what is really happening. The driving force of the ongoing attack against Rochester is not about the police department or race or Mr. Prude.

               It is about a larger progressive, Marxist effort to destabilize society, to burn down the house. Marxism teaches that the revolution must destroy today to create tomorrow. It sees the energy and focus in “destroy,” not “create.”

               Typically, it finds the energy to power its movement in resentments along economic, racial and cultural lines. Its fuel is hatred and division. It incites and inflames anger. It does not call people to aspire, it calls them to rage.

               Karl Marx envisioned it that way, and his unwitting followers do it that way today.

               And they are doing it today in Rochester.

               And they are doing it well.

               The broad array of activities marching behind the Daniel Prude banner, and the Black Lives Matter fist before that, are sophisticated, and intelligently run. Some are a business – like the attorneys for Mr. Prude’s family, who have managed the rollout of the issue brilliantly – and some are pure activist – like the structure that has carried over from the Black Lives Matter organization.

               They are paramilitary, they are disciplined, and anybody in Rochester leadership who doesn’t take them seriously as an opponent is foolish.

               The foot soldiers are largely committed progressives, an Antifa junior varsity, coming from their government jobs or parents’ basements. They are overseen by people who are in front of the camera and hidden in the shadows. Together, they are an attack force that seeks to mobilize community members who believe passionately in the call for racial justice but who don’t know about or share the larger objective.

               Meaning, sometimes they are the fire, and sometimes they just light the fuse.

               The media attention and social upset over the killing of Daniel Prude are an exploitable moment for the Marxists. They will seek to extend and exacerbate the period of disorder, and they will try to foment as much chaos as they can.

               As one of their leaders has said, something’s got to burn.

               How should Rochester’s leaders respond to that? How do they play this situation without letting it play them, to the hurt of the community?

               Here’s how: Retain the initiative, and define the narrative.

               That’s what the activists are doing. And they are doing it well. They decide what will happen when, and they decide what the discussion is about. They seem to have plotted it out and are following a plan.

               And Rochester’s leaders are reacting.

               Without seeming to realize that reacting to your opponent’s plan in a tactical environment is death. He wants you to do something, and you do it. That means he wins, and you don’t. That means Rochester is destabilized and divided, and that the lives and livelihoods of its residents are disrupted.

               The leader is the one who decides what happens.

               The leader is the one who decides he – or she – is going to shut down Jefferson Avenue. The leader is not the one with spare squad cars parked out behind Nick Tahou’s. The leader is the one pushing against the barricades, not the one shooting defensive pepper balls. The leader is the one who disrupts the other’s plan – or vigil.

               And right now Rochester’s officials are not the leaders.

               Right now, the folks calling the tune have bullhorns in their hands.

               Most communities are not able to reverse that paradigm. Hopefully Rochester’s officials will be more successful.

               Hopefully they’ll at least try.

               Because this isn’t about change, this is about chaos. It is about poisoning the well of American brotherhood, about destroying a confidence in American governance, about demolishing our system of representative government. It’s about a Marxist class war that seeks only to destroy.

               Right here in River City.

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