14-Year RFD Veteran Says Racist Party He Was Forced to Attend "Cut Deeply"

14-year Rochester Fire Department veteran Jerrod Jones says he was "cut deeply" when he was forced to attend a racist party by his white superior.

He says the party mocked Juneteenth with racist tropes like buckets of fried chicken and cognac.

Jones says he hopes for change in the department by coming forward.

Jones says he alerted his superiors about the incident, but was assigned to work with the same captain the next day.

Jones's attorney has filed suit against RFD and the city, seeking $4 million in damages.

Rochester Mayor Malik Evans says he's outraged by the reports of the RFD party and promised fast action.

Meantime, Rochester Police Chief David Smith says he's launched an investigation to determine whether any RPD officers took part in this party.

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