Photo: JRLPhotographer / iStock Editorial / Getty Images
Thank God.
Thank God the voice of the people was heard. Thank God the election was fair. Thank God our Republic survives.
And thank God for Donald Trump.
At the crossroads of history, America chose to be American, and in so doing the country and the world dodged a bullet.
World War III is less likely, peace is apt to come to Israel and Ukraine, Taiwan is safe, the border will be secured, our streets will be made safer, our trade will be bolstered and our economy prospered. America will be set on the path of truly being great again.
And the purposeful progressive destruction of our country and our culture will be called out and fought.
Because some old rich guy fought on in the face of unrelenting opposition, and because a broad swath of Americans – of every kind and color – reminded the elites that they, the people, in fact, still run this country.
The criminal justice system was politically weaponized, the media was monolithically propagandistic, the institutions of power were arrayed against Trump and his followers. They were called Nazis and fascists, weird, and garbage. Their motives were ascribed to racism and sexism, xenophobia and white supremacy. They were shamed and mocked, ridiculed by news anchors and college professors, vilified by a sitting president and the vice president who staged a coup against his candidacy.
And yet, empowered by a Constitution ignored by the ruling class, the people knew their mind and voted their conscience.
We don’t want socialism, we don’t want to reject our history or our heroes, we don’t want ridiculous climate mandates, we don’t want open borders, we don’t want criminals running loose, we don’t want our rights disrespected, we don’t want boys in girls’ bathrooms, and we don’t want equality to be replaced by equity.
We want America to be America, a light to the world and the greatest nation ever.
And at the ballot box we got our way.
And in our homes and our communities we will begin to bind up the wounds inflicted by those who profit from division. Americans disagree, it’s supposed to be that way. But Americans are Americans first. We are family, and with Trump in the White House we can begin to act that way.
No one will be garbage, no one will be excluded, no one will be pushed out.
And we will leave for the ages a reminder that in America the people are sovereign. And we will do what we wish. No matter what Oprah and Barack and Taylor Swift have to say.
America was at a fork in the road. We could continue on in feckless incompetence, embracing philosophies of national destruction and international chaos, parceled into tribes of aggrievement by Marxists and hate mongers. Or we could turn a different direction, return to our original course, and be the country we have traditionally strived to be.
And we have won, regardless of who we voted for. America has won. The world has won.
Because of the wisdom of the American people and the blessings of God on high.