Bob Lonsberry

Bob Lonsberry

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LONSBERRY: Why There Is A War On Rochester Streets

 Judicial nullification.

               That’s when judges have political beliefs that overrule the law and common sense as they make rulings and do the duties of their offices.

               If you ask the people in black robes, it doesn’t exist.

               If you ask the people in blue uniforms, it’s all over the place.

               If you look at the facts on paper, you think the cops are probably right.

               Judicial nullification.

               It’s when they hold an election and the winners are the crooks. Sadly, there’s been a lot of that in Monroe County lately, where the two-to-one Democratic enrollment advantage has put Republican judges on the endangered species list and put catch-and-release in the forefront of the criminal justice system.

               Here are some examples.

               Luvarius Santiago rammed a stolen vehicle into a marked Rochester police car, almost hitting an officer. At the time he had an outstanding warrant for failing to appear in court on a previous charge of stealing a car. So that’s four felonies and an overripe warrant for not coming to court to answer charges, and the judge turned him loose without bail.

               Jahi Richards was driving illegally and the troopers tried to pull him over. He fled, there was a chase, he crashed. And fought the troopers, while carrying an illegal handgun. Released without bail.

               Andrew Sheppard got into a fight and fired a shotgun in the general direction of another person. The judge turned him loose, no bail.

               Jasmine Noble also got into a fight and also fired a gun. This one was a handgun, illegally possessed because of past experience with the criminal justice system. Also turned loose by a judge, with no bail posted.

               That’s all in the city of Rochester, and that’s all in one day.

               Here’s another example.

               The Monroe County Heroin Task force raided a drug house, and found a whole butt load of kill-you-right-now drugs, an illegal gun, and Kevin Dangerfield. Seven hundred pre-packaged Fentanyl doses, enough bulk Fentanyl for 2,700 more doses, and – for those who like it old school – 200 bags of crack cocaine.

               Also, Kevin Dangerfield was on federal probation for prior drug and gun shenanigans.

               And the judge released him on his own recognizance.

               That’s the catch-and-release part. That’s the elections-have-consequences part. That’s where the chickens come home to roost on all this bull crap that the cops and the courts are about white supremacy and oppressing black people.

               And what it means is that if you are an ex-con engaged in felony conduct and are carrying an illegal handgun, you have an excellent chance of walking away scot-free, even if you run, fight back or ram a cop car.

               Let me clarify. You have an excellent chance of walking away scot-free – if you do these things in Democrat-controlled Monroe County.

               But don’t try this crap in the real world.

               For example, let’s say you get lost and accidentally leave Monroe County. Out there, in rural New York, where the judges are usually Republicans, those hillbillies still believe in bail.

               To whit: Rochester resident Celina Desinord who was arrested for illegal possession of a handgun, and got hit with $40,000 bail; and Rochester resident Jasiyah T. Lewis, also carrying a handgun illegally, facing $25,000 bail.

               That is definitely not catch and release. That is definitely reflective of the danger of illegal guns. That is definitely going to protect the community. That is definitely going to make sure those defendants make all their court appearances.

               Those gun-toting Rochesterians ran afoul of the law in Sullivan County, down in the Catskills, but had they been arrested on the same gun charges in the vast majority of upstate New York counties, they would have also had to post bail to be released.

               And that makes sense.

               But what is happening in Monroe County does not make sense. These judges are so woke, somebody’s going to end up dead.

               Or, more correctly, somebody else is going to end up dead.

               Because Steven Amenhauser is already a casualty of the Democrat war on law and order. A “vulnerable” white man set on fire by two black teens, he died three agonizing days later.

               Because his alleged assailants – 14-year-old Adriel Riley and 16-year-old Zayvion Perry – had been released without bail from an earlier stolen car caper, and Adriel Riley had likewise been previously released from two armed robbery gigs, and a judge had refused for more than a month to issue a juvenile delinquent warrant for his arrest.

               Because that’s how we roll in Monroe County.

               When Democrats are in charge, stupid things happen.

               And the streets become a war zone, and sometimes people die.

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