Duffy: 'Not So Fast' To Outdoor Seating Permits Offered In Town Of Greece

The Town of Greece is offering restaurants a permit to open outdoor seating areas to help get them back in business during the coronavirus pandemic.

Greece Supervisor Bill Reilich says the temporary outdoor seating permits will be issued by the Greece Fire Marshal's office within 48 hours of the business applying and showing supporting documentation. There's no fee for the application, but the business needs to show a floor plan or request a free walk-through inspection to show they're in compliance with social distancing rules and the area is fenced off with stanchions or fencing.

Area Chamber of Commerce head Bob Duffy is telling the Town of Greece: "Not so fast."

Duffy is the governor's special advisor for the restart of business in the region, and in a statement last night he said it is important to not get out in front of a decision-making process.

Duffy says he likes the concept of outdoor dining spaces, but the decision is up to the governor.

Duffy says acting without permission from the governor would not be advisable.

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