LONSBERRY: Biden Is Full Of Crap

Biden is full of crap.

That’s not surprising for a Democrat.

But what’s disappointing about him is that he’s choosing to be full of crap. Cynically, disingenuously, manipulatively full of crap.

That’s what his announcement said.

As the one potential statesman of the Democratic presidential field declared his candidacy, he chose to do so from the lowest ground possible. He didn’t speak of his experience,his principles or his arguable wisdom.

He played the game.

He implied that Republicans were white supremacists and Nazis. He made vilifying Trump his rallying cry. He sowed seeds of fear instead of comfort. He displayed a fundamental lackof trust in our constitutional system.

In principle, that’s exactly what he did, and that’s all he did. It was manipulation, not leadership.

And it was preposterous.

His first assertion was that he was prompted to run by a Nazi march in Thomas Jefferson’s hometown.

That seems unlikely.

It seems, looking at the last 30 years of American political history, that he likes to run for president – as he has done it repeatedly since the mid-1980s, since before his hairgrew back in. It wasn’t Charlottesville that made him run, it was blind, undying ambition.

Further, he said that the counterdemonstrations which culminated in a white supremacist attack that killed a young woman were the greatest threat our county had seen in his lifetime.


Joe Biden was born in 1942 – while America was fighting a war of survival against Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.

Also in his lifetime was the Cold War, in which hundreds of Soviet nuclear missiles were aimed at the American homeland. Some of them were in Cuba for a time, which President Kennedyseemed to take pretty seriously.

Another threat America has faced in Biden’s lifetime is militant Islam and the jihadi targeting of our nation and its citizens.

So some marching bigots and countermarching progressives – even with the heartbreaking criminal turn – isn’t the biggest threat America has faced in Biden’s 76 years.

So he lied.

And he did so to manipulate Democrat voters and priorities. Because, basically, he’s an old white guy who wants the candidacy of a party defined by young people of color. And theway to make those young people of color not resent the fact their energy and values are being stolen to fulfill an old white guy’s personal lust for power is to trick them into believing that that old white guy is their protector against a bigger, whiter,eviler threat.

It’s a condescending and cynical approach.

And it’s nothing new. Since the middle of Franklin Roosevelt’s presidency, people of color – black people in particular – have empowered the ambitions of any number of white Democrats.

And biting that apple one more time was Joe Biden’s pitch.

Let me, your white protector, fight for you against white racism. Never mind those years I opposed school desegregation in Delaware.

Kind of disgusting.

Then he topped it off with a generous serving of the only product establishment Democrats seem to be offering the American people – Trump hate.

The young psycho Democrats have a whole cafeteria full of progressive insanity. It’s all nonsense. But at least it’s ideas, it’s a philosophy, it’s a stand they are taking. Theybelieve in something and they’re arguing for it before the American people.

That’s the new crop. Not the Biden/Hillary/Pelosi crop. Not the ones on the evening news.

All they’ve got is, “We hate Trump.”

Which is exactly the rhetoric that has left us with going on three years of hating our neighbors.

How about the politicians spend less time telling us why the other guy is bad and more time telling us why they are good.

Which gets to the final point – spreading fear, and a demonstrated lack of faith in our constitutional system.

Joe Biden said that if Donald Trump is re-elected, America will be forever broken. The country will stop being the country, it will forever change. It will be destroyed.

Which is pure crap.

Whether Trump is re-elected or not, whether Trump is any good or not, whether the next four years are happy or not, America is going to be ok. As long as politicians like Bidenstay true to the Constitution.

America survived Andrew Jackson, and Andrew Johnson. It survived James Buchanan, an incompetent spineless idiot; Woodrow Wilson, a racist narcissist who completely screwed up theFirst World War; and Franklin Roosevelt, who decided he was going to be president for life.

America survived Richard Nixon, who ended up being a crook.

The Constitution endures. America survives. The nation goes forward.

And a man who has spent his entire adult life in federal political office ought to know that, and ought to reassure his fellow citizens of that fact.

Instead of lying to them and manipulating them to advance his own hoary ambitions.

I thought Biden would be different. I hoped Biden would be different.

But he’s not.

Biden is full of crap.

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