Health Officials Detail COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

Monroe County Executive Adam Bello and other health officials are detailing how and when the COVID-19 vaccine will be distributed in the community.

Bello says right now, Monroe County is in week three of the COVID vaccine rollout. He says he estimates about 20,000 vaccines between the areas two biggest hospital systems have been administered and 1,200 vaccines have been administered by the County Department of Health.

Monroe County Health Commissioner Dr. Michael Mendoza says the vaccine rollout is not going as fast as anyone would like. He says part of the reason for that is officials want to make sure the rollout is done right and are still working out the kinks.

The vaccine rollout will take place in several different phases.

Right now we are in Phase 1a, which is the vaccination of hospital workers and nursing home residents and staff.

Phase 1B includes essential workers other than Health Care workers and people over the age of 75.

1C will be people age 65-74 and those with chronic conditions.

Phase 2 is other critical populations and Phase 3 is the general population. Officials say they don't know when we will be moving into those new phases.

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