Brighton Central School District Says Student Was Approached by Stranger

The Brighton Central School District wants to make parents and guardians aware of what they call a "concerning incident."

The school superintendent says a high school student was approached yesterday by someone they didn’t know, and offered a ride to school. The student refused and reported it to the Brighton Police Department.

The district says it will continue to work closely with Brighton Police to monitor this situation.

The full letter has been posted below:

Parents, Families, and Community Members,

We are writing to let you know about a concerning incident that occurred in our community yesterday. A Brighton High School student was approached by someone they didn’t know and offered a ride to school. The student refused and the incident was reported to the Brighton Police Department.

We are not informing you of this incident to cause you any undue concern. However, we thought it was important to let you know about this situation so that you might remind your children of the lessons you have taught them around not talking to strangers and only interacting with trusted adults. Your continued diligence in monitoring your children’s bus stops or walking routes is appreciated.

Please let us know if we can do anything more to keep your children safe. We've alerted our bus drivers and will continue to work closely with Brighton Police to monitor this situation. Please report any suspicious behavior to the Police. Thank you for everything you do to keep your children safe.

Have a great, safe evening.

Kevin McGowan, Ed.D.


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